Faculty & Staff

It is the ministry of Catholic educators to embody the faith in everything they do. They model and teach children how to form a personal relationship with Jesus and build a foundation for lifelong learning and discipleship. Meet our talented and dedicated faculty and staff!


Job Title ExtensionEmail
Christopher Cosentino President 135cjcosentino@goretti.org
Bridget Bartholomew Principal 124bbartholomew@goretti.org
Baer, Rick Director of Facilities 127rbaer@goretti.org
Blenckstone, David Director of Athletics/PE & Health Dept. Chair/Teacher 129dblenckstone@goretti.org
Carbaugh, Jennifer Director of Institutional Advancement 139jcarbaugh@goretti.org
Curtin, Jackie Accounting Clerk 125jcurtin@goretti.org
Grove, Mary School Secretary 0mgrove@goretti.org
Hevey, JoAnn Director of Finance 130jhevey@goretti.org
Katrina, Holly Director of Admissions 132hkatrina@goretti.org
Kline, Theresa Guidance Administrative Assistant 123tkline@goretti.org
Kocher, Marissa Marketing and Social Media Coordinator 303mkocher@goretti.org
McEwen, Marie Executive Assistant 137mmcewen@goretti.org
Miller, Matt Dean of Students 160mmiller@goretti.org
Nees, Heather Campus Minister 159hnees@goretti.org
Rafter, Joseph Instructional Technology Specialist 216jrafter@goretti.org
Rosinski, Deb Director of Guidance 120drosinski@goretti.org


Name Job Title
Austin, Gillian CVSM Music Director 151gaustin@goretti.org
Baranowski, Jared Social Studies Teacher 110jbaranowski@goretti.org
Barton, Anne Science Teacher/AP Biology/Dept. Chair 200abarton@goretti.org
Bell, Keith Mathematics Teacher 106kbell@goretti.org
Bottini, David Visual Art & Design Teacher 150dbottini@goretti.org
Cuthbert, Samuel English Dept. Chair/Teacher 202scuthbert@goretti.org
Doub, Theresa Religion Dept. Chair/Teacher 208tdoub@goretti.org
Elmerraji, Hilary French Teacher 109helmerraji@goretti.org
Gouker, Laurie Foreign Language Teacher 108lgouker@goretti.org
Hitselberger, Mykel Mathematics Teacher 206mhitselberger@goretti.org
Kell, Kim Health/Physical Education Teacher 151kkell@goretti.org
Lane, Chris AP Government Teacher clane@goretti.org
Lilly, Kathy Religion Teacher 207klilly@goretti.org
Martin, Jim Mathematics Dept. Chair/Teacher 105jmartin@goretti.org
Massey, Genie Social Studies Dept. Chair/AP Teacher 107gmassey@goretti.org
Rainey, Teresa Chemistry/Physics Teacher 204trainey@goretti.org
Rosinski, Joe English Teacher 201jrosinski@goretti.org
Shepheard, Andrea Mathematics/Science (Chemistry) Teacher 203ashepheard@goretti.org
Sherwin, Beth Environmental Science Teacher 104bsherwin@goretti.org
Unger, Margarita Foreign Language Dept. Chair/Spanish Teacher/AP 205munger@goretti.org
Weldeghebriel, Feven Teacher


Job Title
Farrell, JoAnne Cafeteria Manager 157jfarrell@goretti.org
Turner, Harry
Vanderlyn, Missy